
The battle of sector 001
The battle of sector 001

These new designs, features and advantages had their baptism of fire in the Battle of Sector 001 where Federation forces engaged a Borg cube in the Sol system. The Maximum Warp speed is at 9.8 and can be sustained for roughly 12 hours. The crew compliment of the Akira class is 500 officers and enlisted. The Akira class came with an armament of six type-10 phaser emitters and at least Five Photon torpedo launchers. The new line of starships were designed to combat the Borg threat and provide combat advantages and increase survivability for Federation personal while in battle. Akira class starships are a part of the first wave of newly designed starships that came about after the Federation massacre at the Battle of Wolf 359.

the battle of sector 001

The Federation Akira class starship entered service in the 2370s where several ships of this class participated in The Battle of Sector 001 and several battles throughout the Dominion War.

The battle of sector 001