
My ancestors smile upon me
My ancestors smile upon me

my ancestors smile upon me my ancestors smile upon me

I am aware that France has caused undue chaos and forced many of you to serve with him under threat of occupation and annexation. The Emperor marches to liberate the Duchy of Milan and the Republic of Genoa from the illegal occupation, and to solve the imperial dispute between Florence and Pisa. ”To the Italian People and Their Leaders, Letters would be sent to the cities of Italy as wel bringing word of the Emperor This speech would be heard throughout the cities of the Germany and the Lowlands as the drums of war were pounding in the hearts of every good German man and woman. The Reichsmilitz will be used to crush our enemies and save our peoples and our glorious Empire. This is why I officially declare war on the French crown, and announce a state of war between our glorious nations. We have a duty to maintain the customs and laws that we abide by, and our Italian brothers have been killed by the thousands by French swords.

my ancestors smile upon me

Our ancestors bled and died for what we have today, and it is something I will not stand by and watch as it is torn apart by our foes. Our Empire has been breached, and by none other than yet another King of France who wishes nothing but the end of our institutions and our ideals so he may rape and pillage our lands as he does in Italy. I stand before you not to send good men and husbands and sons off to war for no reason, not for my wishes, but for the upkeep of all we stand for. I stand before you not as a man looking for glory or wealth, for I already have both. ”I write this as the King of the Romans, the ruler of the Germans and Italians, and the bulwark against the French menace. He knew the princes would be worried that he would use the Reichsmilitz irresponsibly, but Maximilian knew in his heart this was a worthy fight. Treachery would not be allowed in the Empire, not Maximilian’s. “I knew I shouldn’t have trusted him!” Maximilian yelled for a scribe to come, and ordered him to send out notices to the Empire that an Imperial Ban was placed on the Duke for breaking the law of the Reichsmilitz and the title of Duke of Gelre would be given to his son Philip as Duke of Burgundy. “DAMNIT” was heard ringing through the halls of Wien as Maximilian discovered the Duke of Gelre’s betrayal. Maximilian read the letter from the Count Palatine.

My ancestors smile upon me